Business for Gender Equality Awards 2020

26 June 2020

The Millennium Foundation in partnership with UN Women has been organizing the competition "Business for Gender Equality" since 2016. The competition identifies and awards companies operating in Georgia that promote gender equality and women's empowerment within and outside the workplace.

Businesses that demonstrated promising practices in promoting women's empowerment and gender equality through career advancements and equal opportunities are being recognized through the competition.

Over four years, more than 150 companies have participated in the competition. Among the winning companies that spanned the spectrum in terms of size and sector were banks, universities, insurance and tele-communication companies, hospitality and construction industry, wine production, and technology and energy companies.

For many companies, the Business for Gender Equality competition served as a catalyst for putting the principles of women's economic empowerment into practice.



Information about the previous winners is provided below: